I start off this week’s report with a few comments about a tour I recently did on
the former Steinhoff Sportsman’s Inn property. As I entered the historic landmark
for locals, a flood of great memories came to the surface. Although the structure
has been closed for years, I felt I was walking back in time.

Still attached to the building was the famous bar and fireplaces. The timeless wall
artwork still remains intact. Although aged, the feel of Steinhoff’s still radiates
throughout the structure. Sadly, water damage has hurt some parts of the

Make no mistake about it, the Sportsman’s Inn property has seen better days.
Even with all the properties “challenges”, the business person in me sees all kinds
of opportunities for the right group of investors or someone that just has a fire in
their belly for projects like this.

Listed for around $300,000, the property is just about 3 acres in size. It would
take a sizable investment to rehab most of the buildings. The property would also
require a new septic system. Even with financial hurdles, New York State has
funds for economic projects like this. The Essex County IDA stands ready to work
with anyone as well.

Normally, chatting about real estate that is for sale in town is not part of my
weekly reports. However, the building and property has such potential that as
Supervisor or as a private citizen, I will work with anyone that would be interested
in making the location a vital part of our community again.

In other town news, just a reminder that Justice Court is now on Thursday Nights
at 7:15 pm at the Community Center.
Volunteers are still being accepted for both the STR regulation review committee
and the cannabis land use task force. Please contact either the Town Clerk or
Supervisors office to sign up.

The regular monthly Wilmington Town Board Meeting will be held this coming
Tuesday at 7 pm. As always, the public is always welcome and one has an extra
bonus this month, the meeting falls on Valentine’s Day this year. What a great
way to wrap up a romantic day.

That’s all for this week my friends. See you around town. –Roy Holzer