It comes as a bit of surprise (but it shouldn’t) how quickly Spring lands
in the North Country. Nothing gradual—just a thump. Not that long ago
8 inches of snow and now I’m late to mow the lawn. And who knows?
A Mother’s Day snowstorm may drop in.
But the hummingbird feeder is ready. Any sightings? It is always nice
sitting on the porch with those aggressive little buzz bombs.
TOWN CLEAN UP DAY—May 11, 2024.
As mentioned last week, volunteers have stepped forward to help
organize and oversee a spring clean-up. It is scheduled for MAY 11,
2024, 9 am to Noon. Please meet at the pavilion at the beach and
dressed well enough against anything prickly on the sides of the road.
If you have bright colored clothes, please wear those. We will have
what bright colored vests the town can gather.
Once gathered, the organizers can go over where it would be best to
Many, many thanks to the organizers and to the Visitor’s Bureau for the
Beach and Waterfront–we have received several applications for part-
time help at the beach. Thank you. That process and paperwork is on-
Board of Assessment Review-thanks very much to Randy W. for
stepping forward to help with the board of assessment review. It is a
tremendous help and relief to have a third person on the board.
Dam—the gate was opened on Monday. Unfortunately, the water level
never reduced enough to safely install the boards. There were some
large rainstorms this week and the late spring snow on the mountains
seems nearly melted, which might explain why the river levels
remained too high for our gate to keep up. Too much water was still
cascading over the dam itself. The gate has been closed for the
weekend and will be re-opened next week.
Assessments and the Grievance Process
A little earlier this week I posted the notice from the assessors about
the tentative assessment roll. The assessors will be available to meet

with individual taxpayers on the following dates: May 16 th (5 pm to 9
pm), May 18 (8 am to 12 pm), May 21 (5 pm to 9 pm) and May 23 (5 pm
to 9 pm). Given the dramatic change in the overall valuations and
guessing there may be many who want to speak with the assessors,
individual appointments may be required. We will work on the best
way to set up those appointments, given our staffing constraints, and
notify everyone.
Thanks again,
