September and the feeling of fall is in the air. I love the change of seasons and
everything about it. As a town government we prepare to close the swim area of
our town beach. In fact, the last day of beach operations will be Sunday
September 3 rd . In spite of all the rain, it has been a good season in running the
community beach. We had staff. They even showed up for work! I cannot thank
our staff at the beach enough for a successful summer.
The Wilmington Farmers Market wrapped up their final day for the season this
past week. It has been so nice to have the vendors, entertainment and sense of
community alive and well in the center of our little town. The Visitor’s Bureau,
Leslie Kopec and Michelle Preston are to be congratulated on a very well
organized weekly event.
This weekend also kicks off the 6 th Annual Mountain Bike Festival in Wilmington
sponsored by BETA. The event starts on Friday and runs to Sunday. One of the
event highlights will be live music on Saturday starting at 6 pm with the band “The
Outcrops.” There will also be the famous “Dangertown” bonfire celebration. For
more information on the entire event, please go to
On Saturday September 9 th , The Annual and popular Festival of Colors will take
place at Preston Festival Field starting at 10 am. The event will have vendors,
food, entertainment and bouncy house for children. Stay tuned for more
information next week.
Following the Festival of Colors Event the same day, a special concert will be held
at the Town Beach starting at 6 pm. This is a make-up concert from the summer
Essex County is making an all-out effort to advertise and make citizens aware of
the employment positions available with county government. There are jobs
available in 18 departments. Something for everyone. Contact Essex County
Personnel Department at
Just a reminder that the Jay-Wilmington Ecumenical Food Shelf is open on
Thursdays from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm. For emergency situations, please call 518-
At the August monthly meeting of the town board, resolutions were passed
establishing Energy Benchmarking requirements for certain municipal buildings.
This was more of a procedural thing for our community to qualify with certain
grant funds on energy conservation. As many are aware, we have already done a
few things like changing our street lights to LED and energy efficient upgrades at
our Highway Garage. Also passed was a resolution adopting a unified solar
permit. Before this resolution, there was no standard for issuing solar permits.
Wilmington now joins many communities around our area in a more consistent
solar permit process.
Well friends, that all for this week. See you around town. – Roy Holzer