Hello everyone. I start this week with a sincere thank you to our “Christmas
Celebration” committee for another job well done. From our Town staff and the
volunteers that assisted with this annual event, THANK YOU! The Santa Gift
Parade and Fireworks were indeed “Spectacular” As part of our Holiday and
Bicentennial celebrations, we would like to offer a FREE keepsake ornament to
members of our community. We have only a couple hundred of these ornaments
so only one per family as supplies last. Please stop by the town offices for yours.
As long as I am thanking people, I would like to extend a thanks to Ben Frechette
from News Channel 5 for the awesome segment of “THIS IS OUR HOME” –
Wilmington, NY. Ben is as friendly and personable off screen as he appears on
television. His ability to capture the essence of our town was amazing. To date,
thousands of people have watched the news clip. Be sure to check it out on either
the Towns Facebook page or Ben Frechette MyNBC5.
I am happy to announce that more funds have been made available as part of the
Heating Assistance Program this year. Eligible residents that have already been
approved should see the additional allotment soon. Please contact the agency
you applied to for further details.
The Town of Wilmington is actively participating in the “Toys for Tots” program.
Currently we have 12 families and 20 children that will benefit from this program.
I would like to say if there are any Wilmington Families that need gifts for their
children as Christmas approaches, please contact my office. All assistance will be
given confidentially. Coming from an extremely poor family in Wilmington as a
youth, I know how much just a simple gift can have to a child.
As my Bicentennial bit this week, please give a thought to purchasing the
Wilmington Bicentennial Package deal from the Wilmington Historical Society.
This would make a great gift. For a reduced price of $32.00, one can get the
Books, Wilmington’s Story: The First 200 years, Wilmington and the Whiteface
Region, Bicentennial Lapel Pin and the commemorative cancellation envelope
done for our Bicentennial. For more details, check out the Historical Society’s
Facebook page.
We have been advised by New York State Department of Transportation that they
have discontinued the seasonal 45mph speed limit in the Wilmington Notch this
winter as parts of the lower salt-abrasive pilot study has changed. For direct
information or to contact NYSDOT please call 518-873-2170
I will be skipping next week’s Supervisor Report. Yes, I am going to be a Holiday
Slacker and play grandpa and enjoy the holidays. My next report will be out on
December 29 th . As we get closer to Christmas, I want to wish a Merry Christmas or
Happy Holidays to all my Wilmington Friends and Neighbors. Please remember
that in a time of disagreements, there is much more that unites us as a
community than divides us. This is evident in any community function we hold.
Be well my friends and see you around town. – Roy Holzer